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The Heart Dimension

Cultivating Truth

In order for Christian educators to model God’s truth, it needs to be cultivated in their hearts. God’s truth can be cultivated through the following three practices: 


First, Christian educators can refocus on the truth that God has appointed them to teach, not merely as a vocation, but as a mission. God’s educators can focus on the truth that He has intentionally placed them in their schools with their students for a divine purpose. His appointed educators can lean on the truth that the Spirit of the Lord rests on them, and He has anointed them to teach (Luke 4:18).


God’s educators must have a steady diet of truth to grow and remain healthy. Peter compares God’s Word to milk necessary for babies to grow (1 Peter 2:2). Christian educators have the ability to constantly refuel themselves with the truth of God’s Word.


Christian educators can be encouraged and refreshed by being in community with other Christian educators. Paul talks about the ability other believers have to refresh and encourage each other in their endeavors (Hebrews 10:24-25). God’s encouragement is not just a matter of urging others to “hang in there.” Rather, it is exhorting others based on the truth in God’s Word. It results in renewed strength and resolve rooted in the unfailing promises of God. 

With a refocus on the truth of God’s calling, a refuel of God’s Word, and a refresh from God’s people, the lives of Christian educators become living curriculums that impart truth and grace.

Dr. Vernard Gant is the director of the ACE Student Success Center with the Association of Christian Schools International. Dr. Gant is a graduate of Columbia International University, Birmingham Theological Seminary, and Trinity University.


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