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Director's Letter

How can CEAI help you?

As we watch our culture grow more hostile to the truth in many ways, I am convinced that Christians serving in schools are the most critical influencers in our nation. By taking legally appropriate opportunities to act and speak the truth in love, these heroic educators stand against destructive worldviews, while standing for the wisdom and compassion of Christ.

That is why we at CEAI count it a great privilege to stand behind educators like you, providing the encouragement, equipping, and coverage you need to make a difference every day right where God has you.

We talk a lot about protecting our members, but how exactly do we do that? Last year, we began producing regular Member Service Reports to answer precisely that question (please contact me at if you did not receive them). These reports reveal some enlightening data:

  • In the 2018-19 school year, we processed about 300 Member Service Cases—when a member has an issue requiring the attention of our educational or legal consultants.
  • The top category, representing about 20% of cases, is contract/employment, meaning questions or issues our members had about contracts, pay, benefits, or required duties. Some of the other top categories include allegations, faith challenges, religious freedoms, and student/parent conflicts.
  • During one of the 4-month report periods, we handled cases from 30 different states.
  • Consistent with what we are seeing in the media, attempts to limit faith expression (e.g. Christian clubs or faculty prayer groups) and issues related to gender-confused students are common concerns expressed by our members.

Many of these cases represent opportunities for Christian educators to be driven out of our schools. We can’t let that happen. If you unfortunately find yourself the subject of an accusation or have another need, please review the "How Can CEAI Help You?" graphic below.

If you are a CEAI Full-Time or Part-Time Member with Coverage, let us carry the burden of protecting you while you focus on loving your students, preparing engaging lessons, blessing your colleagues, and honoring God in all you do. We are here to serve you.


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