In Each Issue

A New Chapter

Director's Letter


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As you probably now know, we recently went through the process of revisioning and rebranding Christian Educators. It was years in the making, and we are excited about our future together.

During this process, we changed our mission statement from, “encourage, equip, and empower,” to “encourage, equip, connect, and protect.” Why did we change our mission statement? It’s not because we are changing what we are doing…it’s because we are doing so much more.

And as evidence of our commitment to continue to “empower” Christian educators, I am thrilled to present this issue of TOV with the theme “Empowered.”

A second major change—our transition from the lengthy “Christian Educators Association International” to simply “Christian Educators”—does not indicate that we are no longer a professional association or that we are abandoning efforts to engage educators internationally. 

In fact, we are expanding our efforts in both of these areas: 

  • We have recently added additional staff to protect our members in need. 
  • Building on our success together in raising over $54,000 for displaced Ukrainians in April, we increased our involvement this summer in international efforts to equip Christian educators, particularly in Europe. 

Third, our new logo, which you may notice has removed the cross imagery, in absolutely no way reflects any change in our commitment to Jesus or the truth of Scripture. Our Board of Directors and I remain solidly dedicated to upholding God’s truth in an increasingly confused culture. 

So to be clear, our new name, mission and vision, logo, website, app, etc., do not represent a change of commitments, values, or even mission. It is an ambitious attempt to communicate more effectively to upcoming generations the power and heart of what God has been doing through Christian Educators since 1953. 

Finally, relying on the Holy Spirit to lead, we look forward to writing a new chapter in that storied history with you. 

If you have not done so already, would you partner with us by visiting our new website, watching our new videos, downloading our new app, and sharing them with your colleagues? 

And as always, we would love to get your feedback. Let us know if there are other ways we can “empower” you—that is why we are here!

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