In Each Issue

Willing to Say "Yes"

Director's Letter

The events and challenges of teaching during these past two years have caused some educators to wonder if God is still working in their schools. I have heard many stories of Christian educators struggling to trust that God still wants to use them. Others question whether they can even survive another year in their classrooms. 

If you can relate to this, I want to encourage you with a true story about a CEAI member who learned that although trusting God can be challenging, it is always worth it. 

Laura teaches middle school band in a state that had severe COVID restrictions. The restrictions were so extreme that she was not allowed to teach band inside her classroom for two years. (Yes, she taught band outside!) In addition, for various parts of those two years, her students had no sports, no clubs, and no performances. 

While praying in the midst of her frustrations, Laura sensed an increased urgency for her students to hear the gospel, believing that the Holy Spirit was speaking to her about a coming revival at her school. 

Just before winter break this year, she had an idea—not just a good idea but a “God idea”—to host a student club using The Chosen tv series in the tented infrastructure she had created for teaching band outside. 

The Holy Spirit brought to Laura’s mind a specific date to start the club that would afford enough time to finish seasons one and two before the end of the school year. The Holy Spirit also connected Laura with a specific student’s mom to help get the club up and running. This mom quickly created a permission slip and promoted the club, allowing it to start in January.

To Laura’s delight, 31 students came the first week! Then the Lord brought her another partner—a youth pastor connected to Decision Point, formerly known as the National School Project. He helped the students take ownership of the club, and together they hosted the school’s first-ever outreach event. Over 90 students attended, and after free Chick-Fil-A and a gospel presentation, 7 made first-time decisions for Christ and 19 recommitted! 

Laura writes, “In the first week of starting The Chosen Club, God made it obvious—He will do it all! He just needed me to be willing and say, ‘Yes.’ I believe this is just the beginning of what God is doing at my school!” 

God was and still is working on Laura’s behalf. He just needed Laura to trust…to trust His voice, to trust His leading, and to trust Him for the results. Just like Laura, may we be willing to say “Yes” to partnering with God in our schools.


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