The Whiteboard

Teach I Am

I can teach.

Teach I am.

I really love to teach, I am.

Do you like to teach in school?

I do like to teach in school.


But, can you teach your class online? Can you teach it anytime?

Yes, I can teach my class online, and I can teach most anytime.


Can you teach while in your car? Can you teach from near or far?

I can teach while in my car, and I can teach both near and far.


Can you teach from Google Cloud? Can you teach a smaller crowd?

Can you teach and email too? Can you teach when sick with flu?

Can you teach while in your chair? Can you teach from anywhere?

I can teach from Google Cloud, and I can teach a smaller crowd.

I can teach and email too, even if I have the flu.

I can teach while in my chair. Yes, I can teach from anywhere.


Can you teach and watch your own? Can you teach from a cell phone?

Can you teach while on a Zoom, sitting in your living room?

Can you teach with new tech tools? Can you teach with changing rules?

Can you teach and give them hope? Can you teach when they can’t cope?

Can you teach from any station? 

Yes, I can teach to save our nation.


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The Whiteboard

CEAI Thiesen Scholarship

Supporting future Christian educators