In Each Issue

The Power of a Healthy Christian Educator

Editor's Letter

When educators are healthy, their jobs become a lot more manageable, and their ministries thrive.

Spiritually healthy educators are better able to see students as God sees them. This perspective allows educators to look beyond students’ actions and attitudes. They see precious children, fearfully and wonderfully made. The healthier the spiritual life, the easier educators find it to show all students, even challenging ones, God’s unconditional love.

Emotionally healthy educators are better able to handle the workload, stress, and unpredictability that accompanies the education profession. Understanding and managing feelings help educators maintain control of their thoughts and attitudes. When tension and anxiety are processed and regulated in a healthy manner, decisions made in the classroom become less impulsive and reactionary and more intentional and rational.

Physically healthy educators are better able to show up for their students day after day. When students feel they can rely on educators, rapport and teacher credibility are more likely to grow. This respect presents more opportunities to not only educate the minds of students but also model godly principles and attributes to students.   

The list of benefits could go on and on…

Dear friend, I know that you are spiritually well. I pray that you're doing well in every other way and that you're healthy.
3 John 1:2 (GW)

I believe that Satan knows the power of a healthy Christian educator, so he wants to prevent God’s ambassadors serving in schools from experiencing good health, often using distractions, discouragement, and deception to accomplish this goal.

Thankfully, God wants us to experience health in every aspect of our lives, and He is much more powerful than any plans crafted by Satan to rob us of our health.

If we struggle with health in any aspect of our lives, we can pray against any spiritual attack meant to disrupt our health. We can pray for freedom from unhealthy thought patterns, habits, schedules, activities, and influences. We can ask God to empower us with abundant health in every aspect of our lives. 

Spiritual, emotional, and physical health are worthwhile pursuits. Christian Educators Association International wants to support your good health because healthy Christian educators are better equipped to excel in their profession as well as transform their school cultures with God’s love and truth. If you are struggling with your health and need some encouragement, consider emailing CEAI at for support.


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