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Director's Letter



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Here is an extra credit opportunity . . . Can you identify Bezalel . . . without Google or Siri? No worries, I had to look up his name to be sure I got it right.

Even if you don’t know his name, you may know his story. Exodus 31 tells us that Bezalel was filled “with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills—to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts” (vs. 3-5, NIV). 

Together with his similarly anointed helpers, Bezalel finely crafted the pieces of the Tabernacle. They carefully made everything from the curtains of finely twisted linen all the way to the glorious Ark of the Covenant with its two brilliant cherubim of hammered gold overshadowing the Ark with their outstretched wings.

I love this story because it challenges our categories of the purposes for which we are filled with the Spirit. We tend to think in “ministry” categories—the Spirit fills us to preach, or witness, or pray for others—you know, it's for doing religious things.

But Bezalel was filled with the Spirit to be excellent at a craft—a vocation we might say. Sometimes it’s easy for us Christian educators to get frustrated that we can’t legally do more religious things in public schools. But what if the Spirit is filling us to be excellent at the craft of teaching? 

Have you ever stood in awe watching your lesson plan engage your students far beyond what you expected? Do others comment that your combination of bulletin boards, decorations, and colors in your classroom create a beautiful space for student learning? Have you ever surprised yourself with the depth of connection or wisdom coming out of your own mouth during a lecture or while counseling a student? 

I believe that many of these moments are times when our spirits touch His Spirit in the area of our anointing. They are holy moments. Like Bezalel, we are filled with His Spirit to perform our craft with excellence, and He lets us notice! In response, we pour out our hearts in worship and gratitude and grow in our faith to do it again for God’s glory. 

I pray that we would step more courageously into our anointings as excellent educators with grace for when we fall short and confidence that God’s Spirit is filling us for this task. 

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