What do a lunch, a bottle of perfume, and an animal all have in common? They are everyday items that were possessed by ordinary people who made themselves and their possessions available and accessible to God. Hence, they all led to “Kingdom Moments” with eternal significance.
A child offered his ordinary lunch, and Jesus used it to feed thousands—a Kingdom Moment.
A woman poured her bottle of expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet, and Jesus used her actions to teach an important principle—a Kingdom Moment.
A man lent his animal, and Jesus rode it triumphantly into Jerusalem in His final days—a Kingdom Moment.
At first, Kingdom Moments may not seem earth-shattering or look life-altering from a human perspective. “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Cor. 4:18, NIV). As such, it is possible for a child to be in a classroom for an entire year or in a school for several years with seemingly nothing extraordinary happening. However, known and recorded in eternity, Kingdom Moments are happening.
What leads to Kingdom Moments in classrooms and schools? Christian educators who offer their hearts and possessions to God while waiting for the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The cry of their hearts is, “Lord, today use me for Your kingdom.”
God has used and can use any person, at any time, under any circumstances for a Kingdom Moment. Likewise, Kingdom Moments can occur with any child, in any classroom, in any school, at any time.
Dr. Vernard T. Gant is the director of the ACE Student Success Center with the Association of Christian Schools International. Dr. Gant is a graduate of Columbia International University, Birmingham Theological Seminary, and Trinity University.
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