The Whiteboard

The Gift of Time

In our class,

We measure time as we watch the seasons pass.

Children grow,

Celebrating the holidays with crafts and snacks,

Filling their backpacks 

With all of the projects that they’ve proudly made.

The lessons they’ve mastered, the knowledge they’ve achieved,

Skills they’ve learned,

Faith sowed in them like a seed.

No wrinkles crease the face of the clock

Though time never stops.

My students ask me what time it is:

Lunch? Recess? Art? Library?

But time is so much more visionary;

Hope is an eternal spring.

Life cannot be divided into blocks

That keep building, until the next day;

It is measured by the time we spend with others

Not counting the seconds that elapse, 

Or the grains of sand in the hour glass. 

We enrich our time

With being kind,

Working together, 

Sending love through a prayer,

Teaching truth and compassion,

To nourish the soul, not only the mind.

Kathryn Sadakierski is a creative writer who is passionate about empowering children through literacy and the arts. Kathryn graduated summa cum laude from Bay Path University with her bachelor’s degree.


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