
God Is Moving in Our Schools

Inspiring Testimonies from Educators...

As Christian educators, we know that God is alive and working in our public schools. And even though we believe this to be true, sometimes we need to hear testimonies from others to give us the strength and encouragement to continue sharing the love of Christ with our students and colleagues. The following stories highlight some of the ways God is moving in our public schools. We hope they inspire you to continue believing that He is always working as you serve as His ambassadors.


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Juonna’s Story

I was having an extremely emotional day for multiple reasons. By mid-morning, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I helped my students work on research projects in the library. At this point, I thought it would be best to just address the fact that I was having a bad day with my students. I had barely begun to speak when I started sobbing. It took me a while to get through it, but I felt it was important for my students to understand that we all have bad days and need grace. A few minutes later, once they had all settled into their work, I noticed a student in the back of the library who was not part of my class. In fact, I had never seen this student before. And I’m sure she wasn’t expecting her visit to the library that day to include hearing about my bad day.

Realizing my need for some tissues and hoping to capitalize on the time my students were engaged in their work, I quickly slipped out the library's back door to the closest faculty restroom. Unbeknownst to me, this mystery student had followed me out of the library and was waiting for me in the hallway. When I walked out of the restroom, she looked at me and said, “I feel like God wants me to pray for you.”

I immediately burst into tears again. I held out my arms, and we embraced in a mutually accepting hug.

I kept saying “Thank you,” over and over.

Then, she began to pray. I cannot tell you the exact words she used, but she spoke to the Lord, told Him about me, and prayed words of comfort that reminded me He is indeed working through his students in our public schools. We had revival right there in the hallway that day! Praise Jesus!

Chad’s Story

I have made it a habit to pray over my school’s classroom rosters for several years now. Just recently, I was given the opportunity to share this practice with my colleagues at the end of a faculty meeting. So when it was my turn to share, I excitedly explained to my fellow educators that they could take one of the classroom rosters I had printed prior to the meeting and pray over each student listed before the end of the school year. After everyone had left that day, about 80% of the rosters were gone! 

When I sent out an email to ask if anyone had updates or testimonies to report, one of our STEAM teachers quickly responded. She shared that she had been praying for her daughter, who is a third-grader in our building, to receive Christ for a while. Not long after her daughter’s homeroom roster was prayed over for the first time, her daughter gave her life to Christ. She told me she believes her daughter’s salvation happened as a result of our staff praying over the rosters.

On a personal note, I had been praying for one of my third-grade students who wasn’t participating in PE class. I had tried a variety of different approaches to get him involved to no avail. But, God is so good! For the last two classes, I partnered him with one of his peers, and he has participated without any problems. 

I have heard many other testimonies resulting from the staff praying over their class lists, and I know God will be faithful to provide many more. He is working through the prayers of Christian educators in our public schools!

Sarah’s Story

This past week, I received a text from a parent whose child I had in class five years ago. She asked if she could talk to me in person after school without having to walk through the building. I told her that I would meet her at the back door of the building, right outside of my classroom. After getting my students on the bus and returning to my classroom, I heard a faint knock. When I opened the door, she was standing there, shaking and sobbing. She had just received news that a recent biopsy determined she has an aggressive type of breast cancer…the same type of cancer that took my sister-in-law’s life the year I had this woman’s son in my class. We locked in a hug as the words came flooding out of her mouth. I could sense that God was prompting me to “pray right now” as her tears ran down my arms. So, I didn’t even ask her, I just prayed in obedience. 

It has been a few days now, and I have had some time to reflect on this excruciatingly beautiful moment. I am, once again, amazed at the way God weaves lives together…how He uses our pain and struggles to come alongside each other. Five years ago, He placed that student in my class during one of the toughest years of my life. He then sent me to the Christian Educators Summit in Glen Eyrie this past summer to teach me how to “pray right now.” Now, He’s using me to help this parent through this battle in her life!

To read more inspirational stories from other Christian educators or share your own, visit our SavED by Grace blog.

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Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

God always has a purpose for our obedience.