Table of Contents
Spring 2024 - Shine: Walking in the Opposite Spirit

Walking in the Opposite Spirit
God is faithful when a teacher chooses to honor instead of taking offense.

Life-Giving Connection
Although initially resistant, a hurting student opens his heart to his loving teacher.

"Open Your Books to Page 37"
A powerful strategy lights the way for students struggling with apathy.

Love First
An overwhelmed teacher embraces a God-inspired apporach in her classroom.

The Whiteboard
Shine to the Finish Line
Motivating students to finish strong

The Whiteboard
Artificial Intelligence
Putting AI to good use in the classroom

The Whiteboard
Classrooms That Shine
Creating atmospheres that reflect His character

The Whiteboard
Tending the Classroom Garden
Poetic inspiration

The Whiteboard
Helping students overcome the temptation

The Whiteboard
The Show Must Go On
Comic relief
In Each Issue
Director's Letter
Shining DIfferently
In Each Issue
Tech Talk
In Each Issue
Teaching with Purpose
Powerless...Yet Empowered
In Each Issue
Management Minute
Motives Matter
In Each Issue
Q & A
Legally Speaking
In Each Issue
Editor's Letter
Want to Shine?